a little of everything

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

best creature on the planet?

So whats the best creature on the planet? Most people would say humans are. If there is a god, then well .... the best "designed" creature would be the cockroach. It can go for months without eating, live weeks with missing a head, and can survive the radiation from a nuclear bomb. It even has the ability to hold its breath for 45 minutes, and slow its heart rate. Yet, we humans, consider the cockroach a pest. It is in fact a great achievement in evolution. If humans are so well designed, in the "image" of a supernatural being, then why are we designed to only use 10% of our brain power? So when our species eventually destroys our habitat we call Earth, by some combination of nuclear war, global warming, greenhouse gases, overpopulation, deforestation, and poverty .... well, the Earth will be taken over by teh mighty cockroach. Maybe the Earth will be better off then.


Blogger General Public said...

dude, the earth already got took over by the roaches. i was in mexico once and they were liek friggen everywhere. no matter how many of the little motherfuckers i killed, they kept coming back, in greater and greater numbers. we humans sure as hell can’t reproduce that fast. mostly that is girls’ fault, but we guys are also to blame for our failure to convince girls to have sex with us when both we and the girls are a younger age. if we could have it take less than 1 year from the time a fetus is conceived until the time it grows into a full-grown human being old enough to be fertile and have sex, we might stand a better chance at surviving nuclear war. or we could just digitally store all our dna on microchips, and then program advanced robots to build clones of us about 100 years after humanity is wiped out by nuclear war. or if our skin were 2 feet thick and made of solid stainless steel, that might protect us from radiation. i have found that it is often quite hard to damage roaches because of how strong their protective shells are. maybe turtles might be the only vertebrates to survive a nuclear war. well, fish would probably survive too. at the bottom of the ocean depths, nobody would even notice a nuclear war up above the ocean surface. so another way to survive would be to live at the bottom of the ocean, like in sealab 2021. or drill a hole to the center of the earth, like in saul of the mole men. the bottom of the ocean is probably safer than the center of the earth, though. i mean, some people think there is a black hole in the center of the earth, so maybe we need to check what is down there before we go down any bottomless pits. in the meantime, kill all roaches! it would be a travesty to allow any other life forms on earth to survive after we humans destroy ourselves through our own stupidity. if we let the roaches survive, the whole process would just repeat again, like how the dinosaurs blew themselves up in a great nuclear war 65 million years ago. if only the dinosaurs had blown up the entire planet, we would not be in this mess today... great going, tyrannosaurus rex!

1:04 AM


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